Sunday, April 19, 2009

Identity by Design

The National Museum of the American Indian currently has an exhibit called Identity by Design, which investigates the culture of crafting Native American dresses. It highlights the evolution of design as Native American women were introduced to European and Eastern materials, and as integration forced American ideals and traditions onto the tribal culture.

The exhibit is expertly crafted with enough objects and text to be meaningful while being limited enough to avoid being cluttered. Objects are finely selected, which leaves the visitor with plenty of time and space for contemplation. The walls are lightly peppered with quotes from Native American women about what dress-making means to them.

“When you wear your dress, you’re carrying the spirit of all the people who gave you the lessons of life, who made dresses before you – dresses that you can look at today and be inspired by.” Keri Jhane Myers (Comanche) 2005

“When I wear the dresses that I’ve made, I feel a strong sense of accomplishment because a lot of work has gone into them.”
Jamie Okuma (LuiseƱo/Shoshone-Bannock), 2005

“When I create an object that is of our tribe, like a dress, it’s almost like I’m so connected to the past. I almost feel like somebody is guiding me as to what I’m supposed to be doing. It’s a very spiritual experience for me.”
Jackie Parsons (Blackfeet), 2005

While I do not presume my experience crafting sweaters and scarves to be nearly the same as what the exhibit discusses, the comments do reverberate with me. Even though technology has changed the way we dress, the combination of the sense of perpetuating tradition and the time it takes to create the handmade clothes puts a higher significance on the objects than their beauty and functionality. The object is both part of the past and the future; the long-established method of productions infuses the objects with history and the items quality and craftsmanship allow for it to be cherished and used for years and perhaps generations to come.

Exhibit Website:

Museum Website:

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